That's right! We're getting the band back together, but this time IN PERSON for the social event of the season: Wine School Reunion @ Reveler's Hour.

We're clearing out the space for a special in-person throwback lesson: Tuesday, September 3rd @ 6:30PM.

There are no assigned seats for this one. We're keeping it as festive as you did in the comfort of your own homes with passed snacks and an open buffet to lay the foundation for wines available by the glass from an ALL STAR ROSTER of Wine School Favorites. This being a proper reunion, we'll be calling out superlatives and sponsoring games galore with all sorts of fabulous prizes to compete for. This glorious night of revelry comes your way at $155 a head, inclusive of food, wines by the glass, service fee + a special piece of wine school merch.

Your Faithful Leader Bill Jensen will call out some of his favorite moments from the school year while absurdly attempting to drop a few new pearls of wisdom. Let us know if you have any memories of your own you'd like to share, wines you want to revisit, or programming you'd like us to consider, by all means drop us a line. We can't wait to stroll down memory lane with you.